The Powder Brown Tang, Acanthurus japonicus, also known as the Powder Brown Surgeonfish, Japan Surgeonfish, and White-faced Surgeonfish. The Powder Brown Tang has an oval disk shaped body and beautiful coloration, with a generally brown to blackish blue body, and black dorsal and anal fins that have a beautiful blue edging. A red band marks the back of the dorsal fin and yellow stripes run along the body just above and below these fins. The Powder Brown Tang also features a single spine on each side of the caudal peduncle, which is called as scalpel.
The Powder Brown Tang loves to graze, so we suggest keeping live rocks which can provide algae growth and to create crevices where it can inhabit. It is best kept as the only Tang in the tank, unless kept in a large and cleverly decorated system where it can hide if threatened.